Pour l'instant, voyage voyage!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

ORP Festival

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Invitation a battre un record Guiness

Monday, June 18, 2007

Fairy tale world

You are looking at a lake
a big calm and dark lake
the background of that lake

Is a forest with 40 different tones of green
I love green, it's an amazing color
life, health, birth, friendship
it means it all

And you look around you
It 's like a colorful dazzy dream
you can hear them, they are flying around
so many that their wings together make a loud buzzing noise
You suddenly think this is unreal
but they are real

Millions of dragon flies are real in Thunder Bay
and their good, as they eat all the bugs for you not to be bothered
and they make this painting frame in front of you look like a fairy tale world of dreams.
This diaporama will stay in my mind as an image of paradise.

During our visit in Thunder Bay
we also had a gardening course with JP's nono.

Meet Hudson

And Andy's italian espresso

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Blue Bike Ladie


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ok ca fait longtemps

Mais je dois l'annoncer officiellement
Mon amie Melissa viens de s'acheter une Harley Davidson.
J'en reviens pas.
Ca va etre trop cute.
Felicitation Melissa

Kyle a surpris un meeting du club d'horticulture
a St-Alexis aujourd'hui donc apres quelques echanges
J'ai maintenant des fleurs rares
des herbes et des plantes d'un peu partout.
C'est super j'espere qu'ils vont durer...

J'ai un nouvel ami
Goliath alias Gogol

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Pret parter,

Oui dela a Montreal...

Cours de cuisine Montréal led hula hoops