Pour l'instant, voyage voyage!

Monday, April 30, 2007


Soleil dans la vallée de l'Okanagan

Deux ours noir dans un buffet de pelouse
Des chevreuils qui lichent les poteaux de téléphone

Les chèvres de montagnes sur l'autoroute
Deux marmottes qui se font griller les dents

Des petites belettes, des aigles, des faucons.

De 199 999 a 200 000 sous nos yeux a 20 km d'Osoyoos
Donc sur 5500 km nous en avons 400 derrière nous.

Je pense que toutes cette vie sauvage
tranquille sous nos yeux
a quelque chose a voir avec le faite que
je n'ai pas ma camera.!
Donc désoler pour les preuves
ce ne sont maintenant que des épreuves dans nos tete.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ca y est

Nous partons de Vancouver ce matin
apres 1 semaine de procrastination.
Nous allons direction Calgary.
Les rocheuses sera mon cadre de salon
pour les jours a venir.
A l'air pur des montagnes.
Nous arriverons donc a Kipling
full oxygene pour debuter le mois
de la deesse grecque Maia.
Fait interessant sur le mois a venir.

*May is the only month in which a President of the United States has not died.

*In Slovene, it is called veliki traven, which means the month of high grass.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Earth Day

It is also the day that John Francis
stop is silent vows of the past 17 years
on the twentieth anniversary of Earth Day.

He also walk for 17 years, not riding in anything with motor.
John Francis est un Grand Homme.
John Francis is my Hero.
I love John Francis so much.
For what he did for what he is.
His message is one of the most touching in many ways
I have receive in years if it's not in my life.
Kyle spoke at a symposium last year in october in Hollande.
John Francis was there and then i was so happy to be there too.
It was my first time meeting with him,
but i took him with me in my heart that day
and lived with a bit of his teaching now, everyday.
Especialy when I walk.

When he did his speech John Francis said things like:

-"Now, environment is not just about trees and pollution and loss of species and loss of habitat, it is really about how we treat each other."

-"It is an emotion about how we relate to each other, because as we relate to each other with this emotion, things are going to change. The environment will change, because it is really a manifestation of how we treat each other. It is really a manifestation of our relationship with each other, ourselves, our family, our community, community to community. But it starts with this emotion that i feel very strongly for all of you. Is that I love you."

Dr.John Francis, Hollande, oct.2006

And then there is PlanetWalker the book:
How to Change Your World One Step at at Time," By Dr. John Francis

I strongly recommend it.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

What the hell?

Ok Sunday afternoon
April 15, 2007
Do you understand this:

Meteo Montreal Canada
From Sunday evening to Monday evening we expect : 15-25 cm of snow
and 20-30 mm of rain.

Meteo Kipling Canada

Thats more like a normal average:
Meteo Vancouver Canada
A few clouds
From Sunday evening to Monday evening we expect : 10-15 mm of rain.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tetes a Claques hit the USA

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Joyeuse Paques

Blue footed boobies

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Jody's new video


Jody Gnant
(1 year rent for recording contract)


Cours de cuisine Montréal led hula hoops